I have had an interest in vessel forms for some time. The relationship of interior and exterior spaces is intriguing to me. I like to create sculptural forms that lead to a sense of discovery each time they are visually experienced.
Copper and patina
5.5" x 15.5" x 8"
Copper and patina
5.5" x 12" x 12"
Corporate collection
Copper and patina
10" x 13" x 12"
Private collection
Copper and patina
10" x 9.5" x 14"
Private collection
Copper and patina
5.5" x 7.5" x 7"
Private collection
Copper and patina
4.75" x 16.25" x 16.5"
Corporate collection
Copper and patina
7" x 16.5' x 17.5"
Private collection
Copper and patina
12" x 24" x 23"
Copper, steel, patina, paint
7.5" x 21" x 9"
Private collection
Copper, patina, cast glass
5" x 18" x 10"
Copper and patina
5.5" x 19" x 8"
Private collection
Copper and patina
6.5' x 16.75" x 14"
Private collection
Copper and patina
8" x 5" x 5" 3.5' x 5.25" x 5"
Private collections
Copper and patina
6" x 16.75" x 14"
Private collection
Copper and patina
12' x 24' x 19"
Collection of Racine Art Museum
Copper and patina
12" x 14" x 15"
Private collection
Copper and patina
10.5" x 5" x 4"
Private collection
Copper and patina
7" x 20" x 20"
Private collection
Copper, patina, cast glass
4.25" x 23" x 8"
Copper and patina
3.5" x 7" x 8.5"
Private collection
Copper and patina
5.5' x 14' x 11.5'
Private collection
Copper and patina
7" x 14.5" x 15.5"
Private collection
Copper and patina
8" x 12' x 14"
Private collection
Copper and patina
10" x 24' x 23"
Private collection
Copper and patina
7" x 6" x 4"
Private collection
Copper and patina
5" x 6" x 5"
Private collection
Copper and patina
10" x 9.5" x 14"
Private collection
Copper and patina
6" x 6" x 3"
Private collection
Inspired by the myriad of shapes and movements of birds, I have created a number of teapots. I chose the teapot form to challenge myself in both design and construction. The series is an exploration of the traditional teapot form, having a handle, lid, and spout, but they are not intended to be functional.
Copper and patina
9.25" x 10" x 5"
Private collection
Copper and patina
7" x 10" x 4"
Collection of Kamm Teapot Foundation
Copper and patina
5" x 7.5" x 3.5"
Private collection
Copper and patina
5.5" x 2.75" x 10"
Private collection
Copper and patina
8" x 8" x 4.25"
Private collection
Copper, patina, metal leaf
6" x 10" x 8"
Private collection
Copper and patina
8.25" x 11" x 3.5"
Collection of Kamm Teapot Foundation
Copper and patina
8" x 10.5" x 7"
Private collection
Copper and patina
9" x 6" x 10"
Private collection
The wall constructions are both a continuation and departure from my sculpture and vessels. While they rest upon the two-dimensional surface of a wall, they are three-dimensional in form.
Copper, bronze, and patina
7" x 28" x 27"
Copper, patina, cast glass, metal leaf
22" x 13.5' x 4.25"
Copper and patina
3" x 18" x 15"
Private collection
Copper and patina
3" x 14.5" x 15"
Private collection
Copper and patina
3.25" x 20' x 17.5"
Private collection
I occasionally design and make objects to be used for a specific function. The yads (Torah pointers) were commissions for bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah (coming of age) ceremonies.
Copper and patina
3" x 8" x 1"
Copper and patina
(2nd view)
Copper and patina
2.5" x 8" x 1"
Copper and patina
(2nd view)